I was glad to race at home again and attend the half-ironman race in Oradea. I do not compete much in Romania, but this race is a very important part of my season. I am always very happy to come back because of the great organization and I really enjoy the course. Last year I was not in a great condition, but this year I was much more prepared.
In addition to my good physical condition, I was also very strong in mind, I knew that I had a good chance of winning the competition, but in such a competitive field it does not mean much. Therefore I concentrated on following my planned tactics, remaining calm and do my own race.Fortunately I fulfilled all my expectations and reached my goal.
I did swimming in an easy pace, so there was no serious energy loss. There were a lot of overtaking during the four-round swimming. I came out of the water more than two minutes after Alex Diaconu, the 1st athlete.
During cycling I accelerated gradually and reserved my energy. In the last round I passed Ciprian Balanescu and started running first with nearly two minutes advantage. I was running easily during the 19 rounds. At the end of the 14th round Peter Szilagyi, a Hungarian racer who is not included in the Romanian championship got before me. As I felt that running goes well, I thought I could pass him with a rhythm change, but when I changed my rhythm he did the same. Unfortunately I miscalculated and could not catch up with him. Finally, I came second in the open race, but my main goal was to defend my title as the Romanian champion. I succeeded and reached my goal so I finished the race with a big smile on my face.
After a short break I went back to the race venue, where the full ironman racers were fighting with the kilometers after 14-16 hours. It was very touching to see them, thank you for these moments.
My next race is on the 4th July in Bangkok. See you there!
I would like to thank my sponsors and everyone for supporting me.
Falco Bike, 720 armour, Token Bikes, Combridge, Novatel, CCN Sport, Sepsiszentgyorgy
Nagyon örvendek, hogy ismét részt vehettem a nagyváradi fél-ironman versenyen. Nem sokat versenyzem itthon, de ez a verseny most már kihagyhatatlan állomása az évadomnak. Mindig nagyon szívesen térek vissza, hiszen remek a szervezés és nagyon élvezem a pályát is. Tavaly nem voltam teljesen fitt a nagyváradi megmérettetésen, idén viszont sokkal jobb erőállapotban voltam.